Feeling stressed? depressed? A little bit lost?

Would you like to receive an instant boost to your outlook and mood every day?

The Everyday Mystic offers poetry, wisdom, and inspiration to brighten your day and help guide you on your spiritual success journey.

All without any legal complications or potentially dangerous side effects (other than a possible overflowing of joy from your heart!)

And it’s all yours for less than the price of a glass of tap water. (That means it’s free!)

With your subscription, you receive:

  • Access to all public posts

  • Access to daily discussions on chat

  • My free PDF - The Miracle Morning - My Secret to Creating a Happier, More Joyful Life!

Premium Benefits

If you choose to, you can become a premium subscriber, and support my mission of spreading the gospel of peace and love.

By becoming a supporter, you will receive:

  • Access to all posts - public and private

  • Full access to my archive of some 300 posts

  • Daily discussion topics on Substack chat

  • Priority access on chat - post your own topics for discussion or ask questions of the community

  • Limited coaching via DM

Plus as a welcome gift, I will send you an electronic copy of my collection of mystical poetry - At the Intersection of Strength and Light, as a special thank you!

I fully intended to offer my paid subscription at $1 a month, to make it as affordable as I possibly could. But then I realized that Substack will not let you offer your publication for less than $5 a month or $30 for a full year. So that is what I set it to.

But, if that is still too much, and I totally understand if it is, you can go to my Ko-Fi page.

Pledge $10 or more and I will grant you a 1-year membership!

Please let me know though - comment here, DM, email, pony express, carrier pigeon - whatever - because I forget to look over there sometimes, and need to be reminded!


Thank you for supporting the cause of Love and Light!

Become A Founder

If you love what I’m doing and want more, you can join at the Founder Level! This is for people who are ready to take action to create the life they envision!

Simple pledge a minimum of $100, and in addition to all the benefits paid supporters receive, You will be entitled to 2 hour-long coaching sessions on Zoom where we can collaborate to create your dream life!

Ready to take action? Become a Founding Member Now!

Keep being wonderful!


Subscribe to The Everyday Mystic

A brush with the mystical can happen anywhere and at any time. You are invited - Come be a part of my journey to find the mystical in the everyday, and discover love in all things!


Wisdom for writers striving to create a business that fills their pockets & feeds their soul. Let my mystical poetry and heart-centered stories of spiritual growth & personal development invigorate your spirit & light the way to abundance!