Reading this brought tears to my eyes. Im so glad she’s found some peace and that you’ve worked on forgiving yourself. Your vulnerability in sharing this story is truly inspiring!

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Thank you. Sincerely. I’m glad it moved you. It’s tough to share these moments, but it’s worth it if someone receives inspiration and is able to find forgiveness and peace because of it.

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Aug 29Liked by Aaron Waddell


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Hi Alicia! Thank you!

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Aug 29Liked by Aaron Waddell

Thank you! I appreciate your vulnerability and the walking out of honesty and self-forgiveness. Journeys with daughters aren’t always easy. I know this personally! I am glad you and yours have found healing! I hope someday with mine too! My oldest had a secret older boyfriend we didn’t know about for years too.

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Oh wow! You do know the feeling. I send you wishes for healing as well. Thanks for sharing!

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Aug 29Liked by Aaron Waddell

Mmmmm....I do. <3 Thank you for the healing vibes! May we spread them around to all who need them! Aho! Thanks again for your vulnerability and courage. Self-forgiveness role modeling is AWESEOME!

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Aug 29Liked by Aaron Waddell

<3 <3 <3

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