Congratulations! Some great ideas here and thank you for the mention. I appreciate it :)

I currently have 2 paid subscribers. They are family and are so kind to support me when I don’t have anything additional to offer paid subscribers yet. But I’m working on it :)

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That’s better than I ever did! With family 😁

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Congratulations, Aaron! It couldn’t happen to a nicer or more wonderful person than you💕💕💕

Wishing you continued success🌻🌻🌻

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Thanks so much, Karen. That is wonderful to hear. You made my day with that comment!

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mean every word!

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Sep 6Liked by Aaron Waddell

<3!! Thank you for you showing up as you and for sharing the abundance as an overflow - and for the cross stack! <3 <3 <3 All way wins are the best!

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