This is very well stated. I am pro-choice. I used to teach in a school for teen moms. All of my students made the choice to continue their pregnancies and I respected their choice. Our program's goal was to help them graduate from high school while helping them become good moms, through onsite nursing, child care, and parenting support. Almost all succeeded on both counts What could be more pro-life than that? Where are those who profess to be pro-life when this kind of support is needed? I also have friends who have found it necessary to seek abortion care in the past, and I'm grateful they were able to make that choice safely. Unfortunately, many girls and young women are now stripped of that option. Congratulations to your family, as you look forward to the birth of a new child. Your respect for your daughter's choice and your support throughout demonstrates your love for her. Best wishes for a healthy baby.

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Thank you so much for the well-wishes! I do find it funny how it is often those who are pro-choice give the greatest effort to assisting those who make the choice to bring new life to the world. But in my mind it is the only true compassion - to support and seek to alleviate suffering in every person, no matter their circumstances or beliefs. We need more people like you!

I think back to the story Eckhart Tolle tells of the Buddhist man who is wrongly accused of impregnating a young girl, and is made to take care of it, and does so without complaint for 20 years, where the woman admits her deception. But he holds no grievance, for he knows that he did what was right, the only thing that was important, to raise the child in love.

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Yes, so true. It all boils down to having respect for a woman’s choice and then supporting that choice for the good of all involved. Again, best wishes.

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Sep 12Liked by Aaron Waddell

I will respond appropriately later when I get a chance but I want to wish tour daughter and your entire family best of luck and light and love! ❤️ being an early grandfather will have it's benefits! I saw it with my aunt when my cuz had her first daughter at 17. I hope the rest of your family is as accepting. What a wicked world we live in to shame young pregnant women yet force them thru pregnancies they do not wish for!

I get your daughter's wishes now as she had an abortion before-- I get it. I wouldn't either now at 42 and have been careful all of my adult life to not get pregnant again as I can't carry to term and my drs highly recommend I don't have a baby while I've been on my meds since I was 15. I have mental illness that is severe at times-- it wouldn't be good. Anyways this ended up being my appropriately written response, lol! Great writing, great topic, amazing honesty 👏 bravo! Love it. Thank you.

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Thank you! That’s a wonderful response!

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Sep 12Liked by Aaron Waddell

I agree with you...and there is a huge effort to pressure woman into aborting fetuses that are considered "undesirable." So the eugenics issues that arose early on in the promotion of birth control and abortion are still here. We have a both/and situation.

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Yes, that is its own controversy. A lot of issues to consider. Definitely not a “black and white” issue.

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Sep 12Liked by Aaron Waddell

I don’t think it’s a controversy - my understanding is it’s a fact: research Margaret Sanger and the whole of fabian eugenics and you will see through the left as surely as you see through the right.

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Your thoughtful perspective on such a complex issue is refreshing. Supporting women's autonomy and respecting their choices is truly essential for a compassionate society.

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Agree 100%. Thank you so much for reading!

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