
Have you had a similar experience? Join our chat on this topic!


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Have you have had a similar experience? Did it happen all at once: a sudden realization from one event like it was for me? Or was it a gradual process?

And if you haven’t had this experience, then do you remember how it was for you when you realized that it was time for you to leave the nest, and dance to the tune of your own song?

Looking forward to hearing your responses!

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You captured this well, Aaron. My children are older and independent now, not quite flown the nest, but almost.💙Pernoste

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Jul 24Liked by Aaron Waddell

She has a beautiful voice! You must be really proud.

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You have no idea! It’s even more amazing now. But she’s even a more beautiful person!

Thanks for reading!

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Jul 25Liked by Aaron Waddell

So beautiful... I don't feel though there will ever be a day I don't need my MOM now and wish she was still here. I get the point and what you mean though unfortunately with my mom's death... she knew she could leave us because I told her she could go, I'd take care of my Dad. Who I also need badly... it's hard... life just is hard.

But this was a beautiful moment at a beautiful time in both your lives and I love it and this poem and I love these moments for you as well as your daughter.

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Letting go is never easy. It doesn’t matter how old we are. But we can take comfort in knowing we are eternally one in the spirit, and never truly apart.

I’m so glad you loved it, Laura!

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Jul 25Liked by Aaron Waddell

One. ♥️♥️♥️ as Creed sings in their song 'the only way is One...'

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What a voice!!

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You can only imagine what it is now, after 3 intense years of study. It is breathtaking. Her Senior recital is coming this fall - 40 minutes of her singing solo - and I can hardly wait!

Thanks so much for reading and watching! It will make her so happy to know that people are touched by it.

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Thank you for the support @Darlene Carroll !❤️

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How old are they? My 19 yo is out of the house, but the 21 yo is still at home for now.

Thanks for reading and sharing!

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