The Everyday Mystic
The Everyday Mystic Podcast
She Must Fly Away

She Must Fly Away

A parent letting go

I took my daughter Lauren’s cat Milo to the eye vet today. (He is 1 year old - and already has a cataract - poor thing!) Driving back, I listened to the spiritual classic from Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations With God.

Milo (Left) and Obi - Couldn’t you just die from such cuteness!

The topic came up about it not being a blessing to have people depend on you. And it prompted me to dictate the note above. (Don’t worry - I was stopped at a traffic light!)

But it also made me think back to when my oldest daughter Emily had her senior recital.

When I saw her radiance burst like a supernova upon that stage, (okay maybe that’s a bit over the top - but if a Dad can’t gush, who can?) I was filled with thoughts I never considered up to that point.

I realized that it was only a short time, maybe a few years, or maybe only a few months, before she would be leaving us.

And overnight my job had gone from being primarily a protector and caretaker to doing everything possible to encourage her confident movement in the direction of her dreams.

I also knew that from that point on, every moment we had together would be a gift. A moment to treasure.

Even though she is still living with us, as she prepares to commence her Senior year of college, I have not forgotten the significance of those gifts. And I constantly remind myself to cherish them.

As I drove home this poem started to coalesce in my mind. And as soon as I got home I put down some rough notes, which I then rearranged into the words you see below.

And if you have a child, or have been a child at some point, you may want to have the Kleen-ex handy!

She Must Fly Away

One Day,
this beautiful butterfly,
this majestic bird,
must fly away.
must sing her own song.

One Day,
She must say goodbye.
Must live her own word.
Be who she will say.
Define her own right and wrong.

One Day,
when these cords are not tied
will she see the absurd,
go wherever she may,
find where she belongs.

One Day,
when she’s no longer mine
she’ll be self-assured
but in self will she lay;
ne’er one of the throng.

One Day,
she’ll ask the world why.
Chose from that day forward
what will hold sway.
Deal with what comes along.

One Day,
in that sweet bye and bye,
though she may be lured,
Of this shall I pray:
She stays true to her song.

Thanks for reading!

If you're an empty nester, or a soon-to-be one - like me, and want to create a real business with your writing -one that fills your pockets and feeds your soul, I hope you'll subscribe.

I’ll provide all the wisdom and encouragement you need as we walk this spiritual path of success - together!

Peace, Love, and a virtual hug


The Everyday Mystic
The Everyday Mystic Podcast
A brush with the mystical can happen anywhere and at any time.
You are invited - Come be a part of my journey to find the mystical in the everyday, and discover love in all things!
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Aaron Waddell