Jul 30Liked by Aaron Waddell

I give because it's who I am. I like a post and share writing and art because it speaks to me. It can be that way in relationships. That can be difficult if a friendship is one sided, continuously and that isn't a friendship anymore. There are people that have no more to give though

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You are right. A friendship cannot be one-sided. I talked about this in another note. To be a friend, you have to ask, not just give. This is how true friends are revealed. The key is not to judge or get irritated when your love is not reciprocated, but merely to let go, knowing they are not ready for friendship with you in this moment, and continue to love them for who they are.

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Aug 3Liked by Aaron Waddell

This was a wonderful read, Aaron. I have long wondered how others read and comment and share and keep up with so much information 🤯!!! If I try to do that, I tend to blow a fuse. I choose to give by offering my work and connecting and sharing when someone inspires and energizes my response. This way feels most sustainable and honest for me.

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Thank you so much for reading and sharing your perspective, Faye! I think it’s a good thing to remember - there is no right way or wrong way. There’s only that which is true to you, and your conception of who you want to be.

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Aug 3Liked by Aaron Waddell

Oh yes. A life changing thing to remember!

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Aug 1Liked by Aaron Waddell

Thank you, Aaron, for sharing that truth. When we give a little money and a smile to homeless people, we do it out of love and compassion and don’t expect anything in return from them. So, if we consider every human beings we interact with as homeless people, who we all are if we consider ourselves on this plane as souls on their journey home, why would we expect anything in return from them either? Love comes from within not from without and if we give with joy, not to please someone but merely to express love, we receive instantly for love expands within us as well. Lots of love.

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Ooh! Love that Geraldine! Yes, we all are just trying to find our way back home, aren’t we? And every bit of love we give provides a ray of light to help guide the other in the direction of that home. Thank you for a wonderful insight!

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I agree and I also see use in expectations (but in the right way and context - I'll be writing on that sometime in the future). There are people whose work I really like but I don't like all of their posts and that's ok. We live in a world where so many block and unfollow when someone says one thing we don't agree with, it's like society has lost the ability to see the bigger picture, to discern, to take what resonates, to try to see where another's coming from....sharing how you feel, whether writing in a container like this, or in real life ,because you feel compelled and then letting go of the outcome (the expectation) is the only way to sustain, to stay in integrity and to keep the fire alive that propels us onto the page.

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Thanks so much Angela. Appreciate you reading and sharing your thoughts. Yes, if we seek peace, we must find the way to forgiveness. For others and for ourself. Not just here, but in all our relationships.

Look forward to reading your post!

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Thanks Aaron! :)

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Yes, Aaron, you make so many great points here. I don't know whether people do this as much on Substack as on other platforms. People are kind and helpful here. I wonder if the algorithm gets you if you post but haven't been active enough recently.

Give for the sake of giving. My schedule is such that I struggle to be consistent on a daily basis here. I try to spend a minimum of an hour per day reading other people's work, but some days, there may be 25 new posts to read. I read all I can, mark some for follow-up, and try to read from a variety of sub-stackers. I also understand that not everyone has time to read my posts.

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I am exactly the same, Rod. And I think that bring up another point. In addition to releasing our expectations of others, we must be willing and open to releasing the expectations we place on ourselves. Fortunately, it becomes much easier to forgive ourselves when we first forgive others, who can then stand witness to our own guiltlessness.

Thanks so much for giving me a few minutes of your precious time and attention, Rod. I will never take it for granted!

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Thanks for sharing your wisdom, Aaron. This is all very helpful.

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It is my pleasure, Rod. So glad to know that!

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Jul 28Liked by Aaron Waddell

Sweet, 💕 Aaron. Your uncle Don.

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Thanks for signing in!

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I love this! Helping and giving to others with the expectation of receiving something in return often leads to disappointment. It’s more of a transactional way of living rather than heart centred living. No judgment though because I understand everyone is different :)

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In my mind, it’s a much better way to live. Thanks for reading! ❤️

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deletedJul 29Liked by Aaron Waddell
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I appreciate you sharing your perspective Alicia. My fear in posting this was that it would be seen as “sour grapes”. I feel nothing of the sort. But I have observed it in others and even in myself. This tendency towards resentment - and I want to lead people to a more joyful way.

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Jul 29Liked by Aaron Waddell

I'm gonna take my comment down now, as it really was in the space of wanting you to know where I'm coming so you won't either expect of me nor think I am not valuing you if I don't but just be delighted if I do and know there is never any pressure from my end on you either - delighted if you share, no pressure if you don't, regardless of it I shared your stuff. Lots of love to you, brother! It's a journey, isn't it? To give without expectations yet in ways that honor our own selves! To communicate our needs without imposing expectations....love that you brought it up. <3

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I love that. And you didn’t need to take your comment down. But it’s also fine that you did it you feel it need to be. Either way, I have nothing but love for you and your wonderful spirit!

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Jul 29Liked by Aaron Waddell

<3 <3 <3

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