The Everyday Mystic
The Everyday Mystic Podcast
Don't Try to Listen

Don't Try to Listen

Use your wisdom ear

Don’t Try to Listen

Don't try to Listen.

You'll never hear anything
but your fits of frustration at not hearing.

Be still. wait. No effort. No struggle.

Nothing at all.

Let the Universe flow.

For a moment forget -
about your appointments,
your meetings,
your commitments,
your nightmarish dreams of possibilities and probabilities.

Give up your endless list of tasks that controls you,
that orders you about,
that keeps you in chains.

Time ends in You.

Stop this incessant searching -
for the right word,
the right phrase,
the right idea.

Listen with your wisdom ear.

The silence whispers it to you.

Your iron grip crushes the bird you so long to see fly
squeezes the life from it,
imprisons it,
prevents the very thing you want.

slow down, release, breathe.
Wait for His presence to make itself known.

Inspiration comes when faith is present,
but dries up in its absence
like the draining of a river.

Divine doses of Mystical Magic and Poetic Empowerment dutifully delivered and awaiting you in your inbox daily! Subscribe today to the Everyday Mystic!

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The Everyday Mystic
The Everyday Mystic Podcast
A brush with the mystical can happen anywhere and at any time.
You are invited - Come be a part of my journey to find the mystical in the everyday, and discover love in all things!
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Aaron Waddell