The Everyday Mystic
The Everyday Mystic Podcast
Ghosts of the Ball

Ghosts of the Ball

A Cinderella Story
The Prince

You left the room so quickly.
Pulled by a vortex made of time.
All so suddenly, that I could barely
Blow you a kiss goodbye.

Then you vanished like a ghost
Into the darkness of that night.
Like a thief, you stole my heart
As you faded from my sight.

In your place, was only a trace
Of the magic we had found.
Glass of a solitary slipper
Left on the castle ground.


I’m sorry that I left you
Like a runner in a race.
I wept for the stunned expression
On your blank yet lovely face.

I called on her Holy Spirit
That which turned mice into men.
That She’d wave her wand of magic
And you’d be before me once again.

But magic it has left me.
Resigned me to my fate.
Scrubbing floors and washing dishes
But for love, I’ll have to wait.

The number that came in that night
t’was seventy and seven.
But when you walked through that door
Opened were the gates of heaven.

For nothing could I ever want
Imprisoned in these cold castle walls.
Despite all the things I have
Still something inside me calls.

How I wish you weren’t a ghost
That we could be as one.
Live out life together
Holy daughter, royal son.

Since my mother left us
I felt abandoned and alone.
Loneliness my companion.
A longing for my former home.

Life has beaten me down
Ever since that day.
Feeling lost and tossed aside.
Like chimney cinders swept away.

Better I remain a ghost
Where I can visit you in dreams.
For in them’s the only place that
I could ever be your queen.

I could show you abandoned places
In the corners of my heart.
Where In spite of all these riches
Love seemed so very far.

I could trace those empty arches
The memories of your eyes.
I could spend my hours waiting
But it would only make me cry.

It feels like I’ve been sleeping.
Living in a waking dream.
Free me from illusion.
Show life is not what it might seem.

Many nights I sat upon my bed
And prayed to the Lord above.
That by His grace and goodness
He’d show a path to my true love.

But it’s better I’m a ghost.
I’m only perfect when I’m gone.
What you saw was an illusion.
Just a fantasy well-drawn.

It’s better you but imagine
Of how perfect our life could be.
You’d know none of it could happen
If you knew the real me.


Why should you be only a ghost?
Become real in my life.
Put an end to pain and sorrow.
Handsome husband, blushing bride.

I have faith that I will find you.
I know the slipper always fits.
Our eternal home awaits us.
On golden thrones, we shall sit.

We’ll see beyond the veil
of what seeming circumstance would say.
We’ll write a glorious tale
that tells how love will find a way.

Thank you for reading!

This poem was inspired in equal parts by two things.

First, obviously, the ancient story of Cinderella - one of the most mystical and misunderstood stories ever told, and a personal favorite of mine. In her wonderful book “The Mystical Jesus”, Marianne Williamson uses the story so beautifully as a metaphor for personal transformation, and it reminded me of how much I love the story.

Second, it was inspired by my daughter Lauren’s wonderful song - Ghost - An ethereal masterpiece which features Grammy-Winning fiddle player Jeneé Fleenor, and whose lyrics are used throughout this poem. I went back to listen to her music after writing this post about that time in our lives, and I knew I had to do something to make sure her genius is not forgotten.

Cinderella is at its heart a metaphysical story of the power of the Holy Spirit (personified as the Fairy Godmother) to help us change our perception. By Her light, the things of our world - people, places, and events - are transformed to show us the way out of despair. We are freed from our imprisonment by the “Evil Mother” that is the ego, and her children of guilt, shame, and neediness, to run into the open, waiting arms of love.

It is evocative of the story of The Buddha, who despite being a fabulously wealthy prince, could not find happiness until he discovered true connection with the divine - or enlightenment.

It also speaks to the fleeting nature of the mystical experience, which sometimes seems like a ghost or phantom, and leaves us, like Cinderella, longing to return home.

In a real way, both prince and pauper are imprisoned. Both are trapped in the illusion of the world. That we need things, that we need to do things to be worthy.

We are already worthy. For Love is all we need, and Love is all we are.

Namaste, Holy and perfect child of God.

Please follow Lauren - she’s amazing!

This version is missing the fiddle, but is done as a duet, and IMO - a superior version!


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The Everyday Mystic
The Everyday Mystic Podcast
A brush with the mystical can happen anywhere and at any time.
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Aaron Waddell
lauren waddell