The Everyday Mystic
The Everyday Mystic Podcast
Have You Ever Had One of Those Days?

Have You Ever Had One of Those Days?

I know I have!
brown and white cat in shallow focus shot
Photo by 傅甬 华 on Unsplash

Today has been one of “Those Days”.

You know, those days where you start out with wonderful plans for all the great things you’re going to do. And then everything just falls apart.

Today started quite well. I got my workout in, got a quick shower, and I was energized and ready to kick things off in an awesome way!

I would meditate, write a poem, maybe a journal entry, and then get started with the normal work in my day job.

And then - the phone rang.

An urgent problem had surfaced at work - and before I knew it, it was past my lunch hour, the dogs hadn’t gone out, and the AC Repairman was on his way to the door! (He’s replacing some condenser switch or something - but he convinced my wife and I that we need the Platinum package - With all the bells and whistles - which I don’t have to research - so I’m going to assume he’s not ripping us off!)

While I was rushing to eat something after taking three of my dogs for a quick walk, I was interrupted by this poem; its words bursting into my mind, like the molten cheese from the first bite of my jalapeno and cheddar sausage.

I think it perfectly describes the reality of “those days”, while giving hope for a more perfect future, with God by our side.

Even now, As I try to record this audio, while my dogs refuse to stop barking!

Hope you enjoy!!!!!

Love, Peace, and Hugs!


Some Days

Some days your day starts at the stroke of eight
Some days it will start at three
Some days you’ll have ample time to meditate
And some days, you can barely stop to pee

Sometimes your mind will open like a river onto dry land
A Fountain of brilliant ideas
Sometimes it will feel like you’re sinking into quicksand
Being buried by the worst of your fears.

Sometimes it will feel like God is beside you
Holding your hand, and steadying your pose
And sometimes it will feel like he’s miles behind you
Or worse, even thumbing his nose.

Sometimes it will seem like your goals are so distant
You can’t even imagine them coming into sight
And sometimes you’ll see when you would least expect it
You’ll find yourself bathed in the light

These things I know, this mortal existence
Will never fail to delight, to shock, and surprise
But through the joy and the pain, He always is with you
Awaiting your seeing through your one real eye.

Have a Wonderful Day!



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The Everyday Mystic
The Everyday Mystic Podcast
A brush with the mystical can happen anywhere and at any time.
You are invited - Come be a part of my journey to find the mystical in the everyday, and discover love in all things!
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Aaron Waddell