The Everyday Mystic
The Everyday Mystic Podcast
The Ten Alignments - Guideposts on the Spiritual Path

The Ten Alignments - Guideposts on the Spiritual Path

Don't call them commandments!
low angle photography of lantern
Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

Hello friends! Happy Monday! Welcome back to this magical and mystical place of Love and light.

Few parts of The Bible are more misunderstood or have caused more controversy than The Ten Commandments.

Even today, we fight over the contents of those ancient stone tablets, bringing up issues of the separation of church and state, and personal freedom.

If we look at these ideas not as rules to be followed, but as indicators - signposts or light posts - that we are on the right path, we would have much greater insight into our spiritual journey, and stand a much better chance of finding true salvation.

I wrote this poem in answer to the classic poems, The Latest Decalogue by Arthur Hugh Clough and The New Decalogue by Ambrose Bierce, Both of which I stumbled upon last week.

These works were themselves poetic answers to The 10 Commandments, and the hypocrisy of those who project a pious face to the world, but then betray those words by their actions.

The Ten Alignments

You shall be sure that you walk in the Sun
when you know in your heart that God is one.

When you find heaven within, as is told,
you will not sit before statues of gold.

His Name is ne’er taken in vain, you see.
For what follows “I AM” shall surely be.

To create the world you would envision,
times of rest must be kept in your traditions

Your mother and father created life.
For what then, to cause them any strife?

Would you ever thy brother kill
when peace is forever God's only will?

How could you seek another's spouse
when all are members of one house?

Why then take from another’s shelf
When you only take part of thyself?

You'll know you lie under skies of blue
when you are deign to speak a word untrue.

You will not want your neighbor’s things
when you know that you are…

Peace, Love, and a Virtual Hug!


The two poems mentioned.

The Everyday Mystic
The Everyday Mystic Podcast
A brush with the mystical can happen anywhere and at any time.
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Aaron Waddell