The Everyday Mystic
The Everyday Mystic Podcast
Sensitive? This practice could change your life!

Sensitive? This practice could change your life!

It did for me...

Hello dear friend! What a glorious day!

I’m trying something new today.

I’m doing it because I’ve been torn.

Torn between making some of my posts paid, and making them all totally free.

You see, I want to do paid posts because I want to encourage you to make an investment in yourself and in your happiness. Because I know you are unlikely to find it otherwise.

I also want to give extra value to the wonderful people who have chosen to support me. Because I just can’t thank them, and show my appreciation enough, for them.

And, well, in this 3-dimensional reality we inhabit, I do need money!

But I feel real sadness when I create something - a poem, a story, or what have you - and only a few people can experience it!

I wasn’t sure what to do.

So I prayed on it.

And I found a compromise!

Yesterday, I published this same post (minus several typographical edits necessitated by writing it on my phone!) - in text form only.

Today, I am going to expand upon it by giving an audio version - for subscribers only!

And going forward, I will do that on some of my posts - giving the audio as a bonus, and adding an inconsequential paywall at the end.

I think that will give the best of both worlds - maximum exposure for my message, while still giving something extra to my supporters.

Now I never want someone’s finances to be an obstacle to receiving the benefit of my work. So if your situation is such that you can’t contribute to my mission, (bear in mind, it is only $5 a month - with a HUGE discount for annual subscriptions!) then please reply to this email, or send me a DM, and I’ll hook you up!

I hope this is a good solution for both of us. Let me know what you think!

And now - here is today’s message!

Are you a sensitive person?

Do you feel joy when others feel joy? Feel sadness when others have a frown on their face? Cry at basically the drop of a hat? (I experienced this again while watching A Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 last night!)

I am. And I do.

And if you’re like me, you’ll want to read this.

As a sensitive person who has always worn my heart on my sleeve, one thing has always been very hard for me.

Often I have found myself saying things out of emotion.

Out of my hurt. Out of my disappointment. Out of my fear.

And so I said things to defend myself. To defend my fragile self-worth. My value was a person.

In doing so I would often hurt the ones I love the most. Usually, my wife.

And hurting them would only amplify the pain I held inside.  Piling guilt on top of guilt. Compounding the misery that I was already feeling.

I spent many nights in tears - Nursing my hurt, attempting to soothe my soul.

For a long time, I didn’t think there was anything I could do about it. It was simply my curse. My burden in life.

But rediscovering my spirituality — by studying A Course in Miracles and the works of Neville Goddard, Marianne Williamson, Neale Donald Walsch, and others, my eyes were opened to a new way of thinking, and a new way of looking at the world.

Through meditation and reflection, I discovered the creative power of thought, and the peace of God within.

And yesterday it dawned on me that there was one very specific I was doing that was helping so much in this respect.

So I wanted to share it with you. In the hopes that it can help you too.

The Practice

Before you open your mouth - to say anything - anything at all - ask yourself these three questions -

  • Is this the real me talking or is it my ego?

  • Am I coming from a place of love?  Or a place of defense?

  • Am I seeking to help another or help myself?

If you answer the latter to any of these…

You can afford not to say it.

Take a moment -

Reconsider -

Choose a new thought -

Speak from love.

That’s it.

It will be hard at first, but it will get easier.

Meditation will help. Gratitude will help. Affirmations will help.

It will seem like it takes too much time. But you will come to know that time is an illusion, created by our minds to give order to things, where there is no order at all.

Meditate on the timelessness of existence. Meditate on your inherent perfection. Meditate on your divine connection with your Creator.

Meditate on the beauty and joy that fills every person, every creature, every thing in the world.

Make gratitude a never-ending theme in your life. An essential piece of your life. be grateful, for what you have and for what you are receiving. Be grateful not only for what you see as good, but equally for what you see as bad.

Be grateful for every lesson, for it brings you closer to God.

You are the source. You are source energy. You are the source of all goodness, all joyfulness, all abundance.

Abundance, love, and thankfulness flow from you in a never-ending stream, and are reflected in every person you see, every action that you take, and every word that you speak.

Go in peace, and know you are one with all things.

Know you are one with God.

I love you so much!

Namaste, my precious child of God.

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The Everyday Mystic
The Everyday Mystic Podcast
A brush with the mystical can happen anywhere and at any time.
You are invited - Come be a part of my journey to find the mystical in the everyday, and discover love in all things!
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Aaron Waddell