The Everyday Mystic
The Everyday Mystic Podcast
Two Comma Club

Two Comma Club

Channeling my inner Chappell (Roan that is)

You might not yet know who Chappell Roan is. But unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve definitely heard her music.

A gay icon, this extraordinary performer has enjoyed a meteoric rise that is hard to describe. It can best be captured in this story:

Last year I asked my daughter who her favorite singer was - to which she replied “Chappell Roan”. I had absolutely no idea who she was referring to.

Later that year, she went to see her in Nashville - the ticket was $50.

This year she went to look at tickets in Alabama - $700!!!

I knew she had hit the mainstream when I read this piece on Substack by


Culture Trip
Chappell Roan Is Our Most Revolutionary Pop Star in Years
Read more

After reading it, I went on YouTube and watched all her videos - and was instantly hooked. At which time, I went to my daughter to tell her, and she looked at me incredulously - “Well, Yeah!”.

Then the other day, my wife was scrolling TikTok, and 5 seconds of her song “Pink Pony Club” played, and got lodged so firmly in my brain that it wouldn’t let go. And I knew it would remain there, living rent-free in my head, until I wrote down this tribute.

It tells the story of my search for spiritual truth. Of the fleeting temporality of the things of the material world, contrasted with the infinite and eternal truth of God’s Love.

It is a story told in five acts, chronicling my shifting thought patterns as I found my way to the light of His Grace.

I hope you enjoy it!

If you haven’t heard it yet, you may want to go and watch the video first, but make sure you do come back and don’t get trapped in the Magician’s rabbit’s hole! Or vaporized in a Red Wine Supernova!

And if you want to hear me sing it - karaoke style, all you have to do is sign up for a premium subscription!

Act I - Inspiration

Twenty -
twenty-one the year we laid
Locked up in our house by Covid
every single day
My wife -
80-hour weeks for pay
Viewing the easy life in dreams
that seemed so very far away

Sick of this life I see
stuck here in Tennessee
I hear the siren’s song
Of riches calling me

Can’t get the life I want
Never see my family
Gonna make ‘em proud
So I’ve got to believe!


Oh yes! won’t it be fun?
To be a health coach
Will be my approach
And who cares
If thousands have come
And as quickly are gone
I’ll be the one

To join the


Two Comma Club
Take my turn at TikTok dancing
Two Comma Club
I’ll be best pals with Russell Branson1
I’ll have it all
Buy a yacht and a mansion
Two Comma Club
Two Comma Club

Act II - A Daughter’s Dream

Sixteen -
Dreams to be a star
Sing the songs within her heart
Raving fans both near and far,
and driving all those fancy cars

Letting -
Not a second go to waste
All day long on all platforms
How could I think this is the norm?

with my job so bored
Want to break free
My spirit at the floor
My future’s calling me!

Progress comes so slow
Locked down at home for weeks
Can’t take it anymore
It makes me wanna scream

Oh God, What have I done?
To make it so hard
To get in the club and
Who cares if
Priorities fall
Stay on the ball
You will get it all

In the

Two Comma Club
Nothing could keep me from my dream
Two Comma Club
sure I tried every scheme
Tears, sweat, and blood
even network marketing
Two Comma Club
Two Comma Club

Act III - The Brutal Reality

I spent -
so much time on Zoom
in the hopes I’d get the secrets
so all my dreams would then come true

Learning -
all the tricks of the trade
All the while ignoring
what a mess that I had made.

Made so many calls
Books and Podcasts too
Funnels, CRMs -
I didn’t have a clue!

Online courses done
til my face turned blue
Has it happened yet
Happened yet to you?

Oh god, What have I done?
I’m a slave to the grind
in the hustler’s club
Yet even while
the midnight oil is burned
the tables I’ll turn
Cause it’s where I belong

inside the

Two Comma Club
I’m gonna be a millionaire
Two Comma Club
I’ll be flying everywhere
Have all that I love
live on the beach without a care
Two Comma Club
Two Comma Club

Act IV - A Blessed Tragedy

months in -
Things just go insane
A family implodes from stress
projected on a daughter’s fragile brain

So high -
the price of all the pain I caused
on her innocence and sanity
How could I ever place a cost?

Moon in full eclipse
Dark night in Tennessee
How do I live through this?
What do you want from me?

A chilling darkness sweeps
Turns my blood to blue
O, how I hope and pray
That it won’t find you!

Oh God, What have I done?
You’d ruin their lives
To get in the club
Yet even as
shadows block out the sun
I’ve got to be strong
It’s where I belong

In that

Two Comma Club
So what if my family falls apart
Two Comma Club
It’s my chance for a brand new start
It’s just a flub
Put that apple before the cart
Two Comma Club
Two Comma Club

Act V - The Epiphany

And then -
So was my ego shook
Shaken by the earthquakes from
the words of a forgotten book.2

Raining -
like manna sent from above
A message telling of the power
and the glory of God’s love

In its sacred text,
the holy message clear
There’s nothing but love
There’s nothing to fear.

Its lessons I would learn
as the months went by.
There’s nothing to earn.
Go free your mind!

Oh God, I am your Son,
No more will I fight
For I’ve seen the light now and
It’s true that
You’ve already won.
Peace dwells deep inside.
For God Loves His Son.

Not one more thought of

Two Comma Club
The greatest things cannot be bought
I’ll Spread the love
In every day I’ll praise the Lord
This world am I not of
The holy word is my sword

What Two Comma Club?
My soul will never cease its dancing
I’ll spread His Love
Don’t need to live in a mansion
As below, so above
Joy will come in all that happens
No Two Comma club

For I know His Love

Photo by the author

Thank you so much for reading/Listening!

I hope these words inspire you to continue the search for truth!

For a deep dive into the events that led to my transformation, check out this post:

Namaste, precious and holy Child of God.

It is with no exaggeration that I tell you that this was easily the most challenging project I’ve worked on yet for a single post. Matching 24 completely distinct rhythm and rhyme schemes took more time and focus than I could have ever imagined!

If you felt it was valuable, and appreciate the many hours I spent writing and editing it, please consider showing your support by subscribing, sharing, or even offering me a coffee.

Or at the very least watch one of Chappell Roan’s videos - They are totally H-O-T-T-O-G-O!

And now - a special message for my supporters!

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The Everyday Mystic
The Everyday Mystic Podcast
A brush with the mystical can happen anywhere and at any time.
You are invited - Come be a part of my journey to find the mystical in the everyday, and discover love in all things!
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Aaron Waddell