The Everyday Mystic
The Everyday Mystic Podcast
Forgiveness is the Opening of the Door

Forgiveness is the Opening of the Door

A poem and prayer

Forgiveness offers everything I want.
Today I have accepted this as true.
Today I have accepted the gifts of God.
And they belong to me eternally.

Lesson 122 - A Course in Miracles

Hello friend! Welcome to another joyous day, and a glorious new week! So pleased to please to see you return to this magical place of healing and love!

Here is a short poem/prayer that was inspired by the lesson above. I hope these words will serve to infuse your spirit with joy. A candle to light your path.

Be well and walk in love!

Forgiveness is the opening of the door.
That one that seemed too massive,
too great for your human arms.

Bearing heavy padlocks
and thick chains,
countless in number,
hardened steel forged in the fires of fear and guilt.

Look again!
Put away your eyes and see the truth.
For it is open!
The door is open now.
It has always been.
Even though you have forgotten the way.

Your host stands at the door,
biding you a happy welcome,
inviting you in to step out of the bitter cold,
and warm yourself by the softly glowing fire.

Inside is everything you wanted.
everything you ever dreamed of -
but believed you could not have.
Everything you deemed yourself unworthy of -
All that you imagined to remain forever just out of your reach.

Riches beyond compare.
Happiness beyond knowing.
Joy without limit.
Love beyond Love.

It is there.
It is ALL there.
And it is YOURS.
Now and forever.

Peace, Love, and a Virtual Hug!


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The Everyday Mystic
The Everyday Mystic Podcast
A brush with the mystical can happen anywhere and at any time.
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Aaron Waddell